Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Putting it all together to pull something out

The next specific assignment André gave me was to look and my image archives and find individual images that represent documentary/external and then find images that represent the internalized search and put them together to create new meanings and visual language. I wrote before about the seemingly divided avenues of my work. Looking back on the images that I made over a decade ago before working as a commercial photographer, it felt like I had a much more cohesive vision. I then gathered images, finding ways to combine the disparate intentions into new relationships.
Captain, Ghost Ship, Water's light.

 Lupeni, Romania
 Student's Struggle; Santiago, Chile
Home After Katrina
Boston Marathon, Before the Explosions

Given a Voice, Chile.

It was in this group of images that I pulled together some recent cityscape work.

 André responded to these images more than the collages as a whole. He felt like this was the work that I should engage in a more sustained focused way. It brings together a lot of the issues around exploring the mechanics of photography in new ways. For the rest of the semester, I am going to focus on producing more images for the "City Spirit" series.

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